My hometown

Diese Woche habe ich meinen 7.Klässlern das Thema "My hometown" durchgenommen und im Zuge dessen habe ich sie gebeten einen Text über Gongcheng zu schreiben. Dazu muss ich gestehen, dass ich -obwohl ich schon länger als ein halbes Jahr hier lebe- durch die Texte der Schüler Einiges über diese Stadt dazulernen durfte

Da mir aufgefallen ist, dass ich bisher kaum was von meinem "Einsatzort" berichtet habe und ich euch die Infos auch nicht vorenthalten will, poste ich hier stellvertretend je einen Text meiner beiden Klassen und begnüge mich damit, Fotos beizusteuern.


一下情况, 我的任务是提供些相关照片。

Aus der Klasse c.127


Gongcheng is not only my hometown, but also a very beautiful village. You can see many hills there. And you can eat nice food such as Oil Tea, rice cake and rice noodles. They are all my favourite food. In my hometown, you can see a river, its name is Cha Jiang. It is very beautiful. I hope you can come to my hometown and have a good time!


Zhong Yuhang



Aus der Klasse c.114


My hometown is Gongcheng. It is very beautiful. There’re many stores, one movie theatre, two markets and lots of shops with many interesting things in my hometown. There are many delicious food and drinks in my hometown. One of them is the Oil Tea. We often drink it in the morning. If you go to my home, you’ll drink the most delicious Oil Tea.

There are two old temples in my hometown. They’re famous. They’re temple Wu and temple Kong.  On the first day and the fifteenth day in a month it is time to visit them.

Cha jiang is our mother river. It’s long. On the bank of the river there’re many restaurants. You can eat delicious fish there.

There are also many festivals in my hometown. The Oil Tea Festival is the most famous of them.

I love my hometown.

I hope you enjoy yourself in my hometown.


Huang Xiantao


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